04.05.24 98 view(s)

While salons in some parts of the UK have recently gone back to work, there are still lots of us awaiting to get back behind the brow chair. As we edge back towards a sense of normality, albeit a ‘new normal’, there are other countries that are slightly ahead. We recently caught up with our training providers in New Zealand to find out what it was like for our Kiwi brow bosses to get back to brows. Whether you’re getting prepared or are back in salon but nervous about what the upcoming weeks will hold, here are some key bits of advice from Lisa, director of Inspired Beauty NZ.

It’ll be busy

We’re sure you’re already prepared for a rush, but Lisa offered a little insight into just how busy you might be. “The demand for brow treatments once lockdown lifted was insane. Prepare to be busy! It’s like working Christmas hours, but for weeks on end. Our June revenue more than doubled compared to June 2019.”

And it won’t slow down

If you’re expecting a mad rush that quickly slows down, think again. “We’ve been out of lockdown for eight weeks and the demand still hasn’t eased,” says Lisa. Of course it’s going to be very busy, but always remember to take time for yourself and a little self-care, too. Don’t overwork yourself.

Your clients are there for you

There’s no need to worry about clients not coming back to you and having to start from scratch. As Lisa explains, “People are supporting small, local businesses like never before.” Clients will want to show support in any way they can, whether it’s booking in for their usual treatments or even just purchasing some at home retail products. “Ensure you have plenty of stock for your treatments and extra retail products – your clients will want to support you further by purchasing a retail product with each treatment.”

Although it’s been hard having to wait so long to get back to doing what we love, at least we have the advantage of learning from our fellow brow bosses across the globe. It’s going to be busy and might even be a little hard at times, but let’s use these experiences to help plan out our return to work. 
