07.05.24 22 view(s)

We’re currently living through unprecedented, scary times and it can be hard to see the light at the end of the lockdown tunnel when we’re not sure exactly how long it will be. It’s not going to be easy, but it’s important for everyone to stay positive and look for the benefits, no matter how small they may be. Here are some of the ways we’ll will be using the time to boost our beauty routine. 

Grow out your brows

Just because you can’t make your regular eyebrow appointments doesn’t mean you should be reaching for the tweezers for a DIY job. On behalf of your brow stylist, step away from the tweezers. Why not take this time to slather on some eyebrow growth serum and just let them grow? Yes, they may look a little messy but no one is going to see them, so it’s the perfect time to achieve your bushy brow goals.

Give your nails a break

If you’re an acrylics addict or just can’t get enough of gels, now is the perfect time to give those nails a break. As pretty as they look, these treatments cause some serious damage over time, leaving nails dry and brittle. Now is the perfect time to give them a break and regularly apply a nourishing treatment for naturally longer and stronger nails. 

DIY facials

One of our favourite self-care tips is to pop on a face mask, so why not take it to the next level with your very own at-home facial? Apply a clay mask to deeply cleanse the skin, followed by a hydrating mask, which is essential while you’re stuck indoors with the central heating on. Finish with a facial massage using your favourite nourishing facial oil. Top tip: carry out this step alongside a candlelit bath.

Train your hair

We’ve all been told that we shouldn’t wash our hair everyday, but did you know that over-washing actually leads to you needing to wash it more? When you wash your hair too frequently it strips the natural oils, causing your scalp to overcompensate by producing even more oil and leaving you with greasy roots. When you begin to cut down on hair washes, your scalp will regulate its oil production. There will be a few greasy days in the beginning, so now is the time to start.

How are you keeping up your beauty routine in these unusual times? Share your tips below. 

Despite the uncertain and challenging times we’re facing, Team HD are committed to delivering the content you love. We’re here to entertain, inform and support all of our brow bosses, so if there’s anything you’d like to see, please contact us on Instagram @hdbrowsofficial. Stay safe, stay at home if you can and take care. 
