With Covid-19 lockdowns making it impossible to keep up with your regular brow appointments, it’s tempting to start plucking your eyebrows at home. However, when you pick up those tweezers it’s important to remember why you left it to the professionals in the first place. It’s very easy to get carried away and what was supposed to be a quick tidy up turns into an addictive, hour long pluck-a-thon. This is why our usual advice is usually to step away from the tweezers, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Here’s our ultimate guide to tweezing your eyebrows at home.

Buy a good set of tweezers
Ideally, you want a good quality pair of sharp, slanted tweezers. This means that your tweezer tips will be able to grip onto the hairs, making plucking quicker and easier. The HD Brows Precision Tweezers are currently 50% off for a limited time only.

Fill in your brows to desired shape
Start bProy grabbing your favourite eyebrow product and filling in your brows as you usually would. This will show you your ideal brow shape, so you can clearly see what you’re working with.

Tweeze any hairs outside of the shape
Anything that falls outside of your make up is falling outside of your brow shape, meaning these are the new re-growth hairs. These are the hairs that can now be carefully removed.

The correct technique
Be sure to always get your tweezer tips right to the root of the brow hair and use your other hand to pull the skin around the area taut and firm. This will help to minimise hair breakages and reduce pain. Washing your face with warm water prior to plucking can help to open the follicles and make the removal a little easier.

Step back and admire your brows
It’s very easy to get carried away when you’re looking up close in a mirror. Be sure to regularly stand back and look at both your brows from a distance to make sure they are even and you’re not removing too much hair.
That’s it! It really is quite a simple process when you know what you’re doing. The key is to keep checking your brows and only remove those pesky stray hairs outside of your brow shape. It’s only to tide you over until you can next see your HD Brows Stylist, so there’s no need to go overboard.