04.05.24 31 view(s)

Have you noticed that when scrolling through social media most of the posts tend to be videos? That’s no coincidence – in trying to ensure we all see engaging posts, social media algorithms favour video content over images and text posts. If you’re looking to get your posts popping up on more news feeds to grow your business, you need to start filming.

Instagram is the fastest growing platform, with over 500 million active daily users. That’s a lot of brows just waiting for the HD treatment! Here are our top three tips for creating videos people will want to watch and share:

1. ) Keep it square

Don’t you just hate it when you film a gorgeous close up of your work, only for it to get cropped when you upload to Instagram? Square also works great on Facebook too, so keeping photos and videos this shape ensures your video will look its best.

2.) Less is more

A great way of seeing what works on social media is to follow top bloggers and influencers. They have thousands, sometimes even millions, of followers so they’re obviously doing something right! You’ll notice a lot of their posts are clean, bright and simple. Try to keep this in mind when creating videos. Good lighting is key, so it may be worth investing in a ring light.

3.) Use the right apps

You don’t need to have loads of experience to create professional looking videos, all you need are the right apps. There are loads out there, but we recommend Splice and Animoto. Both of these apps make it super easy to create clean, simple videos; combine your before and after images or video clip without added effects that distract from your beautiful work. Of course, there’s always the Instagram favourite Boomerang for short clips that will draw in a lot of engagement from your followers!

When it comes to filming social media videos, practice makes perfect. You’ll eventually learn which type of videos work to create engagement and which don’t. If you’d like to read up some more on creating the perfect social video, Sprout Social have loads of articles here. Alternatively, send an email to [email protected] if you have any questions!
