02.05.24 41 view(s)

Here at HD Brows, we’ve always been about the belief that your brows should be as unique as you are. Beauty is a way of expressing your personality and your style, not to cover it up. That’s why we recently launched Love Yourself. More  – the unretouched beauty campaign featuring you.

Lots of you have got involved, which has been absolutely amazing! We recently caught up with one HD Brows stylist, Maddie Elicea, on what the campaign means to her.

What does beauty mean to you?

Everyone is beautiful in their own unique way and for me it’s just about enhancing and helping my clients see their beauty and help them feel good about themselves. When we train in our skills, we don’t just deliver great brows, nails, lashes etc, we are also a sounding board; a moment in time for a busy mum, carer or pensioner living alone to have some precious time for themselves or to interact with someone, one to one. It’s about the whole experience from the moment they walk through the door, ensuring it’s all about them.

What inspired you to choose to train in HD Brows?

After working for a blue chip corporate for 16 years, best in class and customer service are very important to me. I did my research over many months and concluded that HD Brows met the standards my own business wanted to deliver to my clientele.

What’s your secret to self confidence?

For me personally this is something I have always struggled with and whilst I or anyone can come across confident (as we can all put an act on) it doesn’t mean that person isn’t struggling inside with self esteem.

I truly believe it’s the self esteem we need to tackle, those inner thoughts that pop up and put self doubt in our heads. Take a little time each day, even just a few minutes to sit quietly and be grateful for who you are and what you have achieved in your life. Some days it will come easy, other days it’s harder, but with practice you’ll see it does help you realise you’re doing ok!

What’s your favourite feature or trait?

Smile, make eye contact with people as you walk through life (you may be the only person who makes contact with that person that day) and if someone looks good, tell them! There are plenty of things in this world – social media, editorials, etc – that like to make us feel we are not perfect or good enough with their unrealistic images. You’ll be amazed at how people respond and you’ll see them stand taller and feeling good. Plus you’ll feel good for doing it!

Finally, tell us 3 things you love about yourself.

Ok, this doesn’t come easy at all, but let’s go back to question 3 and put it into practice.

  1.  I love helping other people feel good. Life is short! Just be kind to each other, it costs nothing. Just like HD’s Love Yourself. More campaign, start a trend.

  2. I was brave and took voluntary redundancy from a good job with a great company and retrained to start my own business.

  3. Cheekbones (quite like them!)

Find out how you can join the #HDSelfLoveClub and get involved in our Love Yourself. More campaign here.
